The Hidden Certificates In Your Organization How To Find Them

It should be clear by now why centralizing visibility over your cryptographic assets is essential to digital trust. If for some reason you’re unmoved by the parade of damaging outages and data breaches caused by expired or improperly secured TLS certificates over the last several years, consider the number of certificates that the average enterprise has to manage.

Why Crypto-Agility Is Essential for Modern Businesses

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are increasingly reliant on encryption to protect sensitive data. However, the cryptographic landscape is constantly evolving, with new threats and vulnerabilities emerging all the time. This is where crypto-agility comes in.

Beware of the rising WhatsApp scams! Protect your businesses

In today's digital age, where communication is primarily conducted through messaging platforms, WhatsApp has emerged as a key player in facilitating business interactions. However, with its widespread adoption comes an alarming trend: the rise of WhatsApp scams targeting businesses. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of WhatsApp scams, understand their implications for businesses, and explore effective strategies to safeguard your business from falling victim.

Enhance Your Security with Multi-Factor Authentication

In today's digital world, our precious data is constantly under siege. Hackers, data thieves, and malicious actors lurk around every corner, waiting for the weakest link in our online defenses. While strong passwords are a crucial first line of defense, they're no longer enough. Enter Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), the superhero of online security, ready to add an extra layer of protection to your digital fortress.

Attention Bulk Email Senders: New Rules by Yahoo & Google

In a move to combat spam and improve email deliverability, Google and Yahoo have announced new requirements for bulk email senders. These requirements, which will take effect in February 2024, are designed to make it more difficult for spammers to send unwanted emails and to make it easier for recipients to unsubscribe from email lists.

Elevate Your Security Posture with Hardware Security Modules (HSM)

Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) are specialized devices designed to safeguard sensitive data and manage cryptographic keys. They serve as dedicated security tools that ensure the security, confidentiality, and integrity of critical information in various digital systems. The primary function of HSMs revolves around the secure generation, storage, and utilization of cryptographic keys used in encryption, decryption, digital signatures, and other cryptographic operations. These modules are hardware-based, providing a secure and tamper-resistant environment for key management and cryptographic processes.

Google’s shift towards 90-Days Validity of SSL/TLS Certs, Arises need of CLM (Certificate Lifecycle Management)

In a move to enhance online security, Google has proposed reducing the maximum validity period for TLS certificates from 398 days to 90 days. This significant change aims to mitigate the potential risks associated with long-term certificates, such as the exploitation of vulnerabilities discovered after issuance. While the proposal got mixed reactions, it underscores the importance of robust certificate lifecycle management (CLM) practices.